Barry Buddon


Barry Buddon dates back to around 1850 when the area was used by the Forfarshire Rifle Volunteers, the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, the Panmure Battery of the Forfarshire Artillery Brigade, and a Royal Naval Reserve Battery.

In 1897 the Earl of Dalhousie sold the site to the War Office for use as a military training area.

The area is ideal for enjoying coastal walks and wildlife watching.

In addition to its primary role of controlling training and safety on the training area, Headquarters Barry Buddon Training Centre is heavily involved in all aspects of conservation found on this historic and unique site. Most of the training area is classified a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and an EU Special Area of Conservation (SAC), as well as a Special Protection Area (SPA) for birds under the European Birds Directive.

The Ranges and Danger Areas are closed to the public during periods of live firing. Details of the monthly Live Firing Schedules are published each month in advance on the Carnoustie Community Development Trust Website and on its Facebook page. They can also be found in the Carnoustie Library and are publicised in the local press. When firing is not taking place the public can access the training area’s metalled roads.


Barry Buddon Training Camp, Carnoustie, UK

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