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Montrose Basin


The Basin is part of the estuary of the South Esk forming a tidal basin near to the town of Montrose.

The nature reserve in this embayment is internationally important for pink-footed geese, red knot and common redshank and is nationally important for common shelduck, wigeon and common eider ducks. It is also popular with mute swans, oystercatchers and northern lapwings as well as smaller birds. Breeding birds are preyed on by peregrine falcons and sparrowhawks.

The visitor centre, run by the Scottish Wildlife Trust, is accessible from the A92 road.

The swans give the Basin its old, more poetic name, the “Sea of Swans”.

The Montrose Basin was hit by a tsunami in 6100 BC, generated by the massive underwater Storegga Slide, in Norway. It was 70 feet (21 m) high when it hit the basin, with the waters travelling inland as far as Forfar.

There are some fantastic walks at Montrose Basin. Please note that walks on the reserve take place from different car parks. Please refer to the Scottish Wildlife Trust website for details.

Dog Friendly

Dogs are welcome on the reserve walks. Please remember to follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code when out with your dog.


Montrose Basin, Montrose, UK

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