Home / What's On / Scotland’s Gardens Scheme – Hospitalfield Gardens

Scotland’s Gardens Scheme – Hospitalfield Gardens

31 May, 2025
11:00 am - 4:00 pm

About This Event

In 2021 the walled garden at Hospitalfield was comprehensively redeveloped to a design by celebrated garden designer and plantsman, Nigel Dunnett.

The new garden tells the 800-year horticultural story of this extraordinary site from its monastic origins in the 13th century through to the Victorian passion for ferns. You will be able to explore the garden in its first few years after planting as it continues to grow into its inspirational design; full of diverse textures and striking colours.

The house that overlooks the garden was remodelled in the 19th century by Elizabeth Allan-Fraser and her husband, the artist Patrick Allan-Fraser, who designed their home in the Arts and Crafts style. Their fernery, which sits within the walled garden, has been restored and re-planted with ferns from all over the world and will also be open for visitors.

Hospitalfield celebrated the opening of its Physic Garden in June of 2023, a project which introduced over 30 new medicinal plants to the garden along with an illustrated guided walk exploring Hospitalfield’s herbal history and the garden’s themes.

Find out more.

Event Venue Information:




Hospitalfield House, Hospitalfield, Arbroath, UK



Tel: 01241 656124

Email: info@hospitalfield.org.uk

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