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“A Right Royal Year” Talk and Dinner

22 Mar, 2025
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

About This Event

Join us in the State Dining Room at Glamis Castle for a delicious two course dinner followed by tea and coffee before listening to Dr Joseph Morrow’s connections with the Royal family throughout the events of the late Queen’s passing in 2022 and Coronation of King Charles the following year.

Dr Joseph Morrow, CVO, CBE, KC, DL, FRSE is the current Lord Lyon King of Arms and was much involved both the funeral of our late Queen, and the Coronation of King Charles in London and Edinburgh. Previously he also held the role of Chaplin of Glamis Castle and has kindly agreed to host an informative and engaging illustrated talk about his experiences.

This event will commence at 6.30pm with dinner being served at 7pm and with Dr Morrow’s talk expected to last 45 minutes thereafter.

Book your ticket now.

Event Venue Information:


Glamis Castle


Glamis Castle, Forfar, UK


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