Home / What's On / Scotland’s Gardens Scheme – Orchard Cottage

Scotland’s Gardens Scheme – Orchard Cottage

01 May - 30 Sep, 2025

About This Event

This is a cottage garden 20 years in the making. Lots of art is incorporated and plenty of seating to catch the precious sun.

The garden is divided into four main areas: lawned with wall and borders; a pond area with abundant planting and greenhouse; a productive area with raised beds, fruit cage and a converted aviary; and finally a shaded garden spot to look to Red Castle.

The garden is about abundance and cultivated plants sit side-by-side with wild flowers, giving colour and interest for as much of the year as possible.

Visits can be arranged for Tuesdays and Sundays between 10am and 6pm, or Thursdays between 2pm and 6pm. Please phone 07485 609506 in advance.

Find out more.

Event Venue Information:


Orchard Cottage


Inverkeilor, Arbroath DD11 5SS, UK


Tel: 07485 609506

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