This path creates a circuit around the woods, in particularly wet conditions following the road may be preferred.
Starting from the north side of the woods, follow the path to the west that runs parallel to the road through mature trees. A fence, damaged in parts, is there to prevent access to the deeper parts of the woods which is a part of a regeneration project.
The path leads to Windyghoul road. The path straight ahead leads to the Loch of Kinnordy but for this route remain in the woods taking the path to the left rather than the road which can be muddy.
The path approaches fields for grazing horses, take the path to the left here. It is less well-defined in places but loosely follows the line of a fence.
The path becomes clearer as it goes through some younger trees to reach Golf Road. The walk can be extended following the road towards Kirriemuir to add in Kate’s Wood which is just a short distance away. To continue through Caddam Woods though, take the path to the left, the path here goes very close to the unfenced roads in some places.
The trees become more mature as the junction is reached with road at the north of the woods, again take a left to return to the start.
Points of interest around this route include Loch of Kinnordy, JM Barrie’s Birthplace, Gateway to the Glens Museum, Neverland Play Park and Camera Obscura.